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Terms of Use

Chapter 1 General Provisions 


Article 1 Purpose 

KOTACT, hereinafter referred to as "the company", operates the KONOGRAM website ( which offers the KONOGRAM service. These Terms of Use outline the responsibilities of both KONOGRAM and its users concerning the various services provided by KONOGRAM. This includes both free and paid services, as well as products related to computers, PC/Mobile websites, and other information and communication equipment. 


Article 2 Definitions 

1. "KONOGRAM” is an entity that provides free and paid services and products related to computers, PC/Mobile websites, information and communication equipment, as well as services described in Paragraph 2 of this Article. 

2. "Service" means internet-related services provided by KONOGRAM. 

3. "Content" refers to pre-produced videos, related materials or information provided online by KONOGRAM, regardless of the form of information, such as codes, characters, voice, sound, images, or videos used in communication networks. 

4. "Goods and services" refer to all products and services sold by KONOGRAM using the services provided and include "Content." 

5. "User" refers to a person or member who uses the services provided by KONOGRAM in accordance with these Terms of Use. 

6. Any term not defined in this Article shall be defined in accordance with the individual agreement, operation policy, and general commercial practices of South Korea. 


Article 3. Specification, Explanation, and Revision of the Terms of Use 

1. The Company will display the contents of these terms of use on the KONOGRAM website. This will include the company's name, business address, telephone number, email address, business registration number, and telecommunication sales report number, all presented in a manner easily accessible to users. However, due to concerns about potential misuse of personal information, the representative's name may be omitted. Additionally, specific information may not be posted. 

2. Before users agree to the terms of use, KONOGRAM shall provide a separate connected screen, pop-up screen, or other means to ensure that users understand important contents specified in the terms of use and obtain confirmation from them regarding the Terms of Use. 

3. The contents of these terms of use shall be posted on the service screen or announced by other means, and they shall become effective for all users who agree to the terms of use. 

4. Within the scope of complying with relevant laws, such as the Electronic Commerce Act, the Act on Regulation of Standardized Contracts, the Electronic Documents and Transactions Act, the Electronic Financial Transactions Act, the Electronic Signature Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, the Door-to-Door Sales Act, and the Consumer Basic Act, the KONOGRAM may make necessary revisions to these terms of use. In the event of any changes to these terms of use, the KONOGRAM will announce the changes on the service announcement board or notify users separately at least 7 days prior to the effective date. However, if the changes include provisions that are disadvantageous to users, KONOGRAM will notify users at least 30 days prior to the effective date. 

5. If KONOGRAM provides notice or notification as described in the preceding paragraph and clearly informs users that failure to express their intention to refuse within seven days from the date of notice or notification will be deemed as their agreement to the revised terms, users who do not express their intention to refuse will be deemed to have agreed to the revised terms. 

6. If KONOGRAM revises these terms, the revised terms shall apply only to contracts entered into after the effective date, and the pre-revision terms shall apply to contracts already entered into. However, if a user who has already entered into a contract sends a notice to KONOGRAM within the notification period for the revised terms under Paragraph 3 stating their intention to apply the revised terms and obtains the KONOGRAM 's approval, the revised terms shall apply. 

7. Users have the right to refuse to agree to the revised terms, and if they do not agree, they cannot use the service subject to the revised terms. 

8. Matters not specified or interpreted in these terms or related operating policies shall be governed by the Act on Regulation of Standardized Contracts, other relevant service laws, or customary practices. The customary practices referred to will be those of South Korea. 


Chapter 2. Service Agreement and Information Protection 


Article 4. Use of Service 

1. When the user enters the required information on the application form provided by KONOGRAM and agrees to the terms and other items requiring the user's consent, the user becomes a member and a service agreement for using the service is concluded. 


Article 5. Restriction on Use of Service, etc. 

1. KONOGRAM may not approve the use of the service or impose sanctions or terminate the service agreement after the fact under the following circumstances: 

1) When the user uses another person's personal information, such as their name or Email 

2) When false, missing, or misleading information is provided  

3) When the service is intended to be used for inappropriate purposes 

4) When the user violates the law or these terms or is deemed to be acting unfairly based on the KONOGRAM's reasonable judgment 

5) When it is confirmed that a person under the age of 14 has joined the service without the consent of their legal representative 

(For details regarding the registration of minors on KONOGRAM and the conditions available through registration, please refer to the "3. Consent to Collection of Personal Information" section in the "Privacy Policy of KONOGRAM.) 

6) When the same information has already been submitted 

2. KONOGRAM reserves the right to suspend approval for the use of the service or to temporarily halt the service under the following conditions. In the event of such a suspension, KONOGRAM will either display on the service interface the reason for the suspension, the expected time for service resumption, and any other pertinent details, or notify the affected user(s) directly: 

1) When there is no capacity on the service equipment for providing the service 

2) When there is a technical problem that affects the provision of the service 

3) When the company and KONOGRAM deems it necessary financially or technically 


Article 6. Notification to Users 

1. When the KONOGRAM provides a notice related to the user or the service, unless otherwise specified in these terms, the KONOGRAM may use the email address provided by the user, the KONOGRAM's website, or the related services for notification purposes. 

2. If the matter does not significantly affect the user's rights, KONOGRAM may post the notice on the website's notice board for at least seven days insteaproviding individual notification under paragraph. 


Article 7. Protection of Personal Information 

1. KONOGRAM may collect the user's personal information within the minimum necessary range to provide the service. 

2. KONOGRAM makes efforts to protect the user's personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Processing Policy, the Personal Information Protection Act, the Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, and other relevant laws and regulations. For more detailed information on the protection of personal information, please refer to the Privacy Policy of KONOGRAM. 


Chapter 3. Use of Service 


Article 8. Provision and Change of Service 

1. KONOGRAM provides the following services to users: 

1) Hangeul & Korean Language Learning Service: a service that provides users with 

information and content related to Hangeul & Korean Language both online and 

offline, and all related services and additional services that allow users to use them 

personally and share them with third parties. 

2) Other business designated by the company and KONOGRAM. 

2. If KONOGRAM modifies the content of the service they have agreed to provide to the user, due to technical specifications or other reasons related to the product or service, they will make this information available to the user through channels such as [Latest KONOGRAM News] or via KONOGRAM's website. If these modifications significantly impact the user, KONOGRAM will notify the user individually via email. However, changes such as updating content on the KONOGRAM website, introducing new content, or deleting unpopular content and related menus for the enhancement of KONOGRAM product and service quality are not included in this provision. 

3. In the case of the preceding paragraph, the company or KONOGRAM compensates for the damages suffered by the user due to the chargeable services provided. However, if the company or KONOGRAM proves that there was no intention or negligence on its part, it is not liable for compensation, even for services provided free of charge. 


Article 9. Suspension of Service 

1. KONOGRAM may suspend all or part of the contents of the service in case of a policy change related to the provision of the service, the need to change the technical specifications of the service, or other significant reasons, including the following: 

1) Regular or temporary inspections required for the maintenance of service facilities 

2) Power outages, equipment failures, or excessive usage that interferes with normal 

  service usage 

3) Termination of contracts with related companies, government orders/regulations, or other situations where the company or KONOGRAM cannot maintain all or part of the service due to its own circumstances 

4) Other force majeure events such as natural disasters or national emergencies 

2. In this case, KONOGRAM will announce the suspended service content, and if the service change significantly affects the user, it will notify the user individually. However, if KONOGRAM cannot predict or control the reason (disk or server failure without the KONOGRAM's fault, system downtime, etc.), it may announce the suspension of service after the fact. 

3. KONOGRAM will make every effort to resume the service as soon as possible in the event of a suspension of service due to the reasons specified in paragraph 1. 


Article 10. Obligations of KONOGRAM 

1. KONOGRAM shall not engage in any activities prohibited by law or this Agreement or contrary to public morals and shall make every effort to provide services continuously and stably in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. 

2. KONOGRAM shall take necessary measures to protect the user's personal information (including credit information) to ensure that the user can use the internet service safely.  

3. However, KONOGRAM shall not be held responsible for any damages incurred due to reasons attributable to the user, such as the user's negligence in managing their personal information or sharing their account information with others. 


Article 11. Obligations of Users 

1. Users must not engage in the following actions while using the service, and if they do, the company or KONOGRAM may impose sanctions on the user or hold them liable for civil or criminal penalties: 

1) Registering false information when applying for or modifying information 

2) Stealing someone else's information 

3) Arbitrarily changing the information posted by the company or KONOGRAM 

4) Transmitting or posting information (e.g. computer programs) other than the information designated by the company or KONOGRAM 

5) Infringing on the copyrights or other intellectual property rights of the company, KONOGRAM or third parties 

6) Damaging the reputation of the company, KONOGRAM or third parties, or obstructing their business activities 

7) Disclosing or posting obscene or violent messages, images, audio, or other information that violates public morals or ethics on the service 

8) Using the service for commercial purposes without the consent of both the company and KONOGRAM. 

9) Engaging in any other behavior that violates laws, public morals, social norms 


Article 12 Ownership of Copyrights and Posting Related Matters 

1. All copyrights and other intellectual property rights of works created by KONOGRAM are owned by the company and KONOGRAM.  

2. Users may not reproduce, transmit, publish, distribute, broadcast, or use for commercial purposes any information obtained from the Service that falls under KONOGRAM's intellectual property rights without the prior approval of either the company or KONOGRAM. 

3. Besides the content produced by KONOGRAM itself, the copyright for content created, produced, published, and distributed by users fundamentally belongs to the respective user, and the related responsibilities also lie with that user. 

4. Except for the rights granted to the Company and KONOGRAM in these terms, users retain all rights to their postings. The Company and KONOGRAM cannot disclose a user's postings without their consent. However, if a user has disseminated a posting with the intent of sharing, or has agreed to the usage, display, distribution, and modification of the posting, it is considered that the user has consented to such use. For instance, content posted on boards within KONOGRAM meant for communication and sharing with other users. 

5. If a user's posting contains content that violates the law, the copyright holder can request the Company or KONOGRAM to take action, such as discontinuing or deleting the posting, following the procedures outlined in the applicable laws. In turn, the Company or KONOGRAM may take action in compliance with these laws. Should a dispute arise from such a situation, the user is responsible for resolving the matter at their own cost and must indemnify the Company or KONOGRAM from any liability. 

6. The company or KONOGRAM may, without prior notice and even without a request from the copyright holder, take actions such as deleting or temporarily suspending a posting if any of the following conditions apply: 

1) It is deemed to violate the law or be associated with criminal activity. 

2) There's a reason to suspect it infringes upon the rights of the company or a third party. 

3) It breaches the policies of the company or KONOGRAM. 


Article 13. Paid Services 

1. KONOGRAM or the company may provide all or part of the Service for a fee. 

2. When KONOGRAM provides paid services, it shall provide a separate screen to indicate the usage fees, payment methods, exchange, refund procedures, and other related procedures in a way that users can understand. 


Chapter 4. Use of the purchase service or product 


In this chapter, the term 'user' refers to both the 'user as a user' who uses the products and services, and the 'user as a purchaser' who buys the products and services. 

Article 14. Purchase Regulations 

All regulations in this chapter apply solely to this chapter. 


Article 15. Formation of Contract 

1. The purchase service contract is established when a user who wishes to use the purchasing service provided by the company or KONOGRAM submits a purchase request and the company or KONOGRAM accepts it. The company or KONOGRAM indicates their acceptance by posting on the website screen, via email, or through other means of communication. 

2. When a user makes a purchase, it is considered that they have agreed to these terms and any related policies of the company or KONOGRAM. 

3. At the time of purchase, users must accurately submit factual information, including their real name, to the company or KONOGRAM. If they provide false information, impersonate someone else, or the information provided is not factual, the use of the service may be restricted. Moreover, they may be subject to penalties according to relevant laws, and any damages or losses arising from this process shall be the responsibility of the user. 

4. The company or KONOGRAM may request verification from the user, or deny or hold approval of a purchase in the following cases: 

1) If it's confirmed that the information submitted at the time of purchase, including the user's real name, is false, omitted, or incorrectly entered. 

2) If the information matches that of an already registered member. 

3) If an application for reuse is made within two months from the date when the use contract was terminated by the company or KONOGRAM. 

4) If a user, who has received measures like suspension of usage or purchasing rights from the company or KONOGRAM, voluntarily terminates the use contract during that suspension period and reapplies. 

5) If there are internal constraints on the equipment or technical issues within the company or KONOGRAM. 

6) In other cases where the application is in violation of these terms, illegal, or unfair, and when the company or KONOGRAM deems it necessary based on reasonable judgment. 


Article 16 Payment for products or services and payment method 

1. The company or KONOGRAM offers users (buyers) methods to pay the purchase amount using cash, card, or other payment options. 

2. With regards to the payment of the purchase amount, all responsibilities and disadvantages related to the information entered by the buyer, and issues arising from that information, are entirely borne by the buyer. 

3. If the product or service's purchase amount is not paid within a certain period after purchase, the company or KONOGRAM may cancel the order without the user(buyer)'s consent. 

4. The company or KONOGRAM takes measures to ensure that buyers can verify the details of their product purchase contract through their shopping history and provides guidance on the method and procedure for canceling the contract. 

5. The company or KONOGRAM can verify whether the buyer has the legitimate right to use the payment method chosen during payment for the purchase. If the verification is not completed, the transaction may be suspended or, if verification is impossible, the specific transaction can be canceled. 

6. The actual amount the buyer pays consists of the supply base price for the product or service set by the company or KONOGRAM, the basic usage fee, discount coupons applied to the product or service, various logistics, shipping, and delivery fees, and details of optional items. This total is referred to as the actual purchase amount. The purchase documentation issued to the buyer reflects this actual purchase amount. 

Article 17 Cancellation of Purchase 

1. The company or KONOGRAM shall promptly process any request if it is made before the provision of the product or service has commenced. 

2. However, if the company or KONOGRAM has already initiated or completed the work associated with the product or service, or if it has already been dispatched, users cannot cancel their orders. It's a principle that users bear the costs associated with round-trip shipping for cancellations. In such instances, the situation will be treated as a return, not a cancellation. Additionally, during the refund process, any non-refundable fees from credit card companies and any applicable taxes are not borne by the company or KONOGRAM but are the responsibility of the user. 

3. The method and duration of refunds resulting from cancellations may vary depending on the user's payment method. For example, refund procedures and timelines might differ across credit card companies. 


Article 18 Return, Exchange, Refund 

1. Based on Korean regulations, users can request a return or exchange within 7 days of delivery completion. General matters regarding returns are primarily subject to Korean laws such as the 'Consumer Protection in E-commerce Act' and other related regulations. 

2. The cost of returns is borne by the party at fault for the return. For instance, costs related to returns due to a simple change of mind are the user's responsibility, whereas costs related to product defects are borne by the company or KONOGRAM. If the user is responsible for the return shipping fee and fails to pay, refunds may be delayed or not processed at all. 

3. If the return request does not include the return invoice number or if the company or KONOGRAM is not clearly notified of the reason for the return, the return processing and refund may be delayed. 

4. Once the returned product or service arrives at the company or KONOGRAM, and after verifying the return reason, the condition of the product or service, and the return shipping fee, the refund procedure for the return will commence. 

5. If it's revealed that a user has been refunded without a valid reason, the company or KONOGRAM can demand the refund amount back or deduct the amount from the user's points. Additionally, users who receive refunds fraudulently can face legal consequences. 

6. Even if a user requests an exchange, if the company or KONOGRAM doesn't have the product or service in stock, an exchange is not possible. In such cases, the request will be processed as a return. 

7. Costs incurred due to exchanges are also borne by the party at fault for the exchange. For instance, in the case of product defects, the company or KONOGRAM will bear the cost. If it's due to a simple change of mind by the user, the user will bear the cost. 

8. Refunds for purchases made via card payment can principally only be processed through card payment cancellations. 

9. Refund procedures and timelines can vary depending on the products and services purchased by the user and the payment method used during purchase. 

10. If the company or KONOGRAM cannot deliver or provide the purchased products or services for reasons such as sold-out items, company or KONOGRAM shall promptly notify the user of the reason, cancel the transaction, and refund the amount if the user has already paid. Should the user request a refund, the company or KONOGRAM will process it quickly using the payment method used for the transaction. 

11. If the amount paid by the user and the refund amount differ due to reasons beyond the control of the company or KONOGRAM, such as internal rules, currency exchange rates, etc., the company or KONOGRAM shall not be responsible for the cost difference. The company or KONOGRAM will indicate this fact on the product or service page to inform users in advance. However, if a user fails to read or misses this notice, the company or KONOGRAM is not liable. 


Article 19 Exemption of Company and KONOGRAM's Liability 

1. The company and KONOGRAM shall be exempted from liability if they are unable to provide the service due to force majeure or other events beyond their control. 

2. The company and KONOGRAM shall not be responsible for any obstacles in using the service caused by the user's fault. 

3. Users cannot request refunds, returns, or exchanges in the following cases: 

1) When the product or service is lost or damaged due to the user's fault. 

2) When the value of the product or service has decreased due to the user's usage or partial consumption. 

3) When the value of the product or service has decreased to the extent that resale becomes difficult over time. 

4) When the packaging of a replicable product or service is damaged. 

5) In cases where products or services are individually produced immediately following a user's order, and it's anticipated that returns, exchanges, or refunds will result in irreparable harm to the company and KONOGRAM. However, the company and KONOGRAM must notify in advance that such products or services are produced immediately after an order, within the product or service introduction or in the purchasing materials. If the user proceeds with the purchase despite this notice, the company and KONOGRAM will not bear responsibility. 


Article 20 User's Obligations 

1. Users must thoroughly review the information provided by the company or KONOGRAM regarding products and services before making a purchase decision. 

2. Users must comply with these terms as well as all notices and instructions regarding service usage provided by the company and KONOGRAM. Users are responsible for any losses or damages resulting from their violation or failure to comply with such notices and instructions. 

3. In the event of a dispute arising during the purchase process, users must make a sincere effort to resolve the dispute. If any losses or damages occur to products or services due to the user's failure to resolve the dispute in good faith, the user is solely responsible. 

4. Users must use their own payment methods when making a purchase and must not use someone else's payment method without permission. Users are responsible for any losses or damages incurred by the company or KONOGRAM, or the owner of the payment method as a result of the user's unauthorized use of someone else's payment method.  

5. Users are responsible for all information they provide regarding payment for purchases, as well as any problems related to such information. 

6. Even if the company or KONOGRAM provides product information for reference purposes by posting related information about products and services or through third-party providers on the site to enhance user convenience, users must make their own decisions and assume all responsibility related to purchasing products and services. 



Article 21 Use of Service by Users 

1. The company and KONOGRAM may verify whether the user possesses the legitimate right to utilize the payment method during the payment process and may suspend or cancel the transaction until such verification is concluded. 

2. The company and KONOGRAM are responsible for managing various facilities and data to ensure the safe provision of the service to users and to verify that the service is being utilized for its intended purpose. If any use is identified to be contrary to its intended purpose, the company or KONOGRAM can request an explanation from the user and take necessary actions, such as canceling the transaction. 

3. If a minor makes a purchase via the company or KONOGRAM and the legal guardian does not approve of the contract, the minor or legal guardian can annul the contract. However, if the user has falsely provided information and availed of the company and KONOGRAM's products or services even though it is stated in the terms or privacy policy that those under 14 are prohibited, the company and KONOGRAM can seek damages from the user in the event of any harm incurred during the contract cancellation process. 

4. The company and KONOGRAM reserve the right to take the following actions against users who violate the principles of these terms or engage in unreasonable behavior: 

1) Reclaim some or all of the benefits provided by the company or KONOGRAM. 

2) Restrict access to certain services. 

3) Terminate the membership or related agreements 

4) Claim damages. 

5) Denial, restriction of access, and blocking of products or services related to the company or KONOGRAM for a duration determined by the company or KONOGRAM. 

6) Take other actions (determined based on the severity of the user's actions). 

Should any of the above actions be implemented, the company or KONOGRAM will inform the user via phone or email. In cases where it is impossible to contact the user or in emergencies, the company or KONOGRAM may take "action first, and notify afterward. However, if users believe they have valid reasons to contest the company's actions, they have the right to present their objections to the company or KONOGRAM. 


Article 22 Prohibited Actions 

1. Misappropriation of Third-Party Information:  

Users, when found to have unauthorizedly used or misappropriated information of a third party, will be subject to the stipulations of "Article 21 Use of Service by Users". 

2. System Misuse: 

1) Accessing or using the service in any abnormal way, or accessing the system other than the means provided by the company or KONOGRAM, is prohibited. 

2) Using methods such as automated connection programs that deviate from standard usage is prohibited. 

3) Activities that involve collecting or using information from the company or KONOGRAM for profit, rather than genuine use in line with the company and KONOGRAM's intent, are forbidden. 

4) Users confirmed to have engaged in any of the aforementioned system abuses will be subject to "Article 21 Use of Service by Users". 

3. Payment Misconduct: 

1) The act of using someone else's name, card details, account information, etc., to avail any services provided by the company or KONOGRAM is considered illegal. 

2) Making abnormal payments through methods prohibited by Korean laws like the "Specialized Credit Financial Business Act" is forbidden. If such behavior is identified, it's deemed illegal. 

3) In the case of payment misconduct classified as illegal, "Article 21 Use of Service by Users" will be applied. 

4. Direct Transactions: 

1) The company and KONOGRAM cannot guarantee any safety for direct transactions between users without using the provided services, and thus such activities are prohibited. Issues arising from such transactions are the responsibility of the involved parties, and neither the company nor KONOGRAM can be held accountable. 

2) Users found to have engaged in or encouraged direct transactions will be subject to "Article 21 Use of Service by Users". 

5. Misuse of Benefits: 

1) Engaging in abnormal transactions using the benefits provided by the company or KONOGRAM (e.g., discounts, points, etc.), or partaking in activities without genuine intent to use or purchase the products and services, is prohibited. Users found engaging in such acts will be subject to "Article 21 Use of Service by Users". 

6. Miscellaneous: 

Actions that defame others, infringe upon another's rights, use profanity, promote racial discrimination, engage in religious indoctrination, disrupt or attempt to disrupt the smooth operation of the services provided by the company or KONOGRAM, violate South Korean laws or public morals, or any behavior that contradicts the ethos promoted by the company and KONOGRAM, are strictly prohibited. Users found to engage in these actions will be subject to "Article 21 Use of Service by Users" or may be permanently banned from accessing the services.  


Article 23. Company and KONOGRAM’s Exemption from Liability 

The company or KONOGRAM shall not be held liable for the following matters, except in instances where the company or KONOGRAM, its employees, or its agents have displayed intentional misconduct or gross negligence: 

1) The company and KONOGRAM are exempt from any related responsibilities when unable to provide services due to force majeure or circumstances beyond their control. Force majeure can include natural disasters, war, acts or orders of a state or government, strikes, epidemics and pandemics, and other unforeseeable events such as fires, explosions, power outages, diplomatic issues, and major issues with the services of the company and KONOGRAM. 

2) The company and KONOGRAM shall not be held accountable for service interruptions attributable to the user's own negligence or fault. 

3) Neither the company nor KONOGRAM guarantees the quality, completeness, reliability, legality, or the absence of third-party rights infringement concerning the products and services listed or provided by users. Furthermore, they do not guarantee the authenticity or legality of user-provided information, including information linked to URLs. They also do not assume any risks or responsibilities related to user actions, including transactions. 


Chapter 5 Termination of Service Agreement 


Article 24 Termination of Service Agreement 

1. Users can request to withdraw from the service anytime they no longer wish to use it (requests can be made through [Support > Service Feedback]). Their membership status will be maintained until the withdrawal request is approved. Approval for the withdrawal request typically takes up to 7 business days but may extend to 10 business days depending on KONOGRAM's internal circumstances. 

2. The user must complete all transactions within KONOGRAM to terminate the Service Agreement. 

3. When the Service Agreement is terminated by the user, all access information, including the user's ID and password, will be deleted, excluding data that KONOGRAM is required to retain under applicable regulations or data necessary for the normal use of the service by other users. 

4. If a member has no record of service usage for 24 months after joining, KONOGRAM may inquire about their intention to continue using the service. If there is no response within the timeframe set by the KONOGRAM, the account will be converted to a dormant account. 

5. Any disadvantages incurred by the user due to termination must be borne by the user themselves. After the completion of termination, KONOGRAM has the right to retrieve any benefits provided to the user. 

6. If a user voluntarily terminates the service and wishes to reuse it in the future, their intention for re-utilization must be notified to KONOGRAM. Service re-utilization is only possible upon KONOGRAM's approval. 

7. Even if termination occurs under this clause, for any products or services already contracted prior to the termination, this agreement will continue to apply to the use and purchase of those items. 

8. If the termination is initiated not by the user's request but by KONOGRAM, KONOGRAM will notify the concerned user of the reason for termination via phone, email, or other means. 


Chapter 6 The others 


Article 25 Relationship between Connected Services and Linked Services 

1. The terms and privacy policy of the company do not apply to linked services other than the company or KONOGRAM's official website. Users must check the terms and privacy policy of the linked service regarding the use of its services and the purchase of its products and services. The company and KONOGRAM is not responsible for any liability arising from the user's failure to do so.  


Article 26 Individual Terms of Service 

1. If KONOGRAM provides separate services related to the provision of services, it may establish terms and policies for the service. This refers to the "Terms and Policies" as defined in this article, regardless of the form or name of each service notice on the individual service pages. 

2. If KONOGRAM establishes terms and policies for individual services in accordance with the preceding paragraph, it shall ensure that the user goes through the agreement process when using the service for the first time or provides sufficient information for the user to confirm it. The terms of use for individual services take precedence over these terms of service. 


Article 27 Limitation of Liability 

The company and KONOGRAM does not provide any agreements or guarantees regarding matters not specified in these terms of service to users. However, this shall not apply in cases where the company or KONOGRAM, its employees, or agents are recognized to have engaged in intentional or grossly negligent conduct. 


Article 28. Compensation for Damages 

1. In the event that the user suffers damages due to KONOGRAM’s intentional or negligent conduct, KONOGRAM shall determine the compensation method for the damages suffered by the user in accordance with these Terms of Use and relevant laws and regulations. However, KONOGRAM shall not be liable for damages arising from the following circumstances without intentional or negligent conduct: 

(1) force majeure or other equivalent unavoidable circumstances 

(2) interruptions in service use due to the user's fault 

(3) personal damages incurred during service access or use 

(4) damages caused by third-party illegal access to KONOGRAM's server or use of the server 

(5) damages caused by third-party interference with transmission to or from KONOGRAM's server 

(6) damages caused by the transmission or distribution of malicious programs by third parties 

(7) damages caused by the omission, deletion, destruction, or other defects in transmitted data, or defamation, incurred during the user's use of the service 

(8) damages where neither the user nor KONOGRAM is at fault, but rather a third party is responsible 

(9) other damages caused by reasons without KONOGRAM's intentional or negligent conduct 

2. KONOGRAM has no obligation to mediate disputes arising between users or between users and third parties related to the service and will not be held liable for damages resulting from such disputes, unless there is intentional or grossly negligent conduct by KONOGRAM. 

3. KONOGRAM does not vouch for the reliability, accuracy, or authenticity of the information, data, or facts posted by users. Consequently, KONOGRAM bears no responsibility for any damages incurred by users due to reliance on such information. 

4. KONOGRAM is not responsible for damages experienced by users who do not achieve anticipated profits from the service or who face losses based on information acquired from the service. 

5. If a user's breach of these Terms of Use or relevant laws and regulations results in damages to either the company or KONOGRAM, said company or KONOGRAM reserves the right to seek compensation from the user. In such cases, the user can't evade responsibility unless they can substantiate the absence of intentional or negligent behavior. 

6. KONOGRAM is exempt from liability if it cannot deliver the service due to force majeure or other unavoidable events. 

7. KONOGRAM will not bear responsibility for service interruptions that arise due to the user's misconduct. 

8. KONOGRAM is not accountable for products or services that are open to individual interpretation. 

Article 29 Governing Law and Jurisdiction 

1. These Terms of Use are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Korea. 

2. Should a dispute arise between KONOGRAM and the User, KONOGRAM will make all reasonable efforts to amicably resolve the matter. However, if a resolution cannot be reached, both parties agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the court situated at KONOGRAM's principal place of business. 



Article 30 Responsibility for Copyrighted Material 

1. KONOGRAM must strive to protect the copyrights of copyright holders when using the service, and users must comply with KONOGRAM's copyright policy. 

2. Users are responsible for the copyright of all content they create and write while using the service provided by KONOGRAM. Therefore, if they infringe on someone else's copyright, they bear the responsibility for such infringement. 

3. All users can protect their legitimate rights within KONOGRAM if their copyright is violated, using KONOGRAM’s [Support > Service Feedback]. 

4. KONOGRAM may delete posts without the consent of the user who uploaded the content if they fall under the following conditions, and at the same time, can take measures against the poster such as limiting the use of all or part of KONOGRAM’s service, or expulsion. In such cases, the user will be notified in advance via phone or email. However, if required by law, in instances where contact cannot be established, when KONOGRAM has reached out but there is no reply, or in urgent situations where usage restrictions are necessary, KONOGRAM may either notify the user after the fact or might not notify them at all. 

1) Content that violates the laws of the Republic of Korea. 

2) Information that is prohibited by related laws. 

3) Contains false or exaggerated information and advertisements. 

4) Infringes on the rights, reputation, credit, or any legitimate interest of others. 

5) Contains malicious code or data that could malfunction information communication devices. 

6) Posts unverified links from other sites. 

7) Violates public order and morals. 

8) Disrupts the smooth operation of the KONOGRAM service. 

9) Contains content related to criminal activities. 

10) Provokes political or economic disputes or controversies. 

5. KONOGRAM can replicate, distribute, transmit, and display various content and posts written by users on affiliated sites without any approval. They may also edit or modify the content as long as the essence of the content isn't changed. However, in such cases, the original source from KONOGRAM must be credited. 


Supplementary Provision 

Service Terms of Use Version: 2023.8.31 

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