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2025년이 코앞이에요 (2025 Is Just Around the Corner) | Korean Podcast Class

Today's Key One-liner

2025년이 코앞이에요.

2025 is just around the corner.

📌 Youtube Potcast

(Korean, English subtitles available)

Hello, everyone!

The year 2025 is just around the corner!

When you start learning Korean, one of the first things you’ll come across is ~이에요. or ~입니다.

Now, we’re adding the word 코앞 before ~이에요 or ~입니다.

'코앞'? What does that mean?

In Korean, 코 means 'nose', and 앞 means 'front'. So, 코앞 literally translates to 'the front of my nose'.

This phrase is used to describe something extremely close, like right in front of your nose. Fun, right? 😁

So, when we say 2025년이 코앞이에요, it means '2025 is very close!' Are you all ready for it? 😊


📚 새 단어와 표현

New Words and Expressions

  • 코앞이에요. - Just around the corner

  • 새해 - New Year

  • 콘서트 - Concert

  • 시험 - Exam, Test

  • 결혼식 - Wedding

  • 벌써 - Already

  • 내년 - Next year

  • 계획 - Plan


📚 핵심 패턴 완전 정복

Mastering the Key Pattern

~이/가 코앞이에요.

This pattern is used to say that something is just around the corner. The particle 이/가 is attached to a noun to mark it as the subject of the sentence.

1️⃣ If the noun ends with a consonant, use :


자동 (The car is...)

(The apple is...)

2️⃣ If the noun ends with a vowel, use :

(The book is...)

(The house is...)



1. ___________ 코앞이에요. (새)

The New Year is just around the corner.

2. ___________ 코앞이에요. (콘서)

The concert is just around the corner.

3. ___________ 코앞이에요. (시)

The exam is just around the corner.

4. ___________ 코앞이에요. (결혼)

The wedding is just around the corner.

5. ___________ 코앞이에요. (첫)

The first episode is just around the corner.

Answer) 1. 새해가 2. 콘서트가 3. 시험이 4. 결혼식이 5. 첫방이


💬 오늘의 대화

Today's Conversation

가영: 벌써 2025년이 코앞이에요!

신재: 그러게요! 시간이 정말 빨라요.

가영: 내년에 특별한 계획 있어요?

신재: 글쎄요. 아직 없어요. 가영 씨는요?

가영: 저도 아직 없어요.

Gayoung: The New Year is just around the corner!

Sinjae: Exactly! Time really flies.

Gayoung: Do you have any special plans for next year?

Sinjae: Hmm, not yet. What about you, Gayoung?

Gayoung: I don’t either, not yet.


💋 발음



📈 레벨업

Level Up

Use the patterns you learned today to say the following sentences in Korean.

오늘 배운 패턴을 활용해서 아래 문장을 한국어로 말해 보세요.

1. The New Year of 2025 is just around the corner.  (신년)

_______________________________________ .

2. My friend's birthday is just around the corner. (생일)

_______________________________________ .

3. The start of college is just around the corner. (대학 개강일)

_______________________________________ .

4. The date of the BTS fan meeting is just around the corner. (팬미팅, 날짜)

_______________________________________ .

5. The date of the midterm exam is just around the corner. (중간고사, 날짜)

_______________________________________ .


1. 2025년 신년이 코앞이에요.

2. 친구의 생일이 코앞이에요.

3. 대학 개강일이 코앞이에요.

4. BTS 팬미팅 날짜가 코앞이에요.

5. 중간고사 날짜가 코앞이에요.


The best way to improve your Korean skills?

Listen as much as you can and repeat what you hear!

Got it? 😊




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