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Tell and DM 'Thank You for Enduring, I’m Proud of You' in Korean

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⭐ A message of encouragement to my bias ⭐


Don’t You Want to Touch Your Bias’s Heart?

When your bias finishes a concert, drama, or movie shoot, show your support by sending them heartfelt praise and encouragement for their hard work!

잘해주고 잘 견뎌줘서 진짜 기특해

   [jal-hae-ju-go jal gyeon-dyeo-jwo-seo jin-jja gi-teu-kae`]

I’m truly proud of you for doing so well and enduring everything. 🎀

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⚡ Frequency of use by K-pop fans


 잘해주고[jal-hae-ju-go]: Do one's best

✅ 잘 견뎌줘서[jal gyeon-dyeo-jwo-seo]: Endure

진짜[jin-jja]: Truly

기특해[gi-teu-kae]: Admirable, To be proud of


📌 잘해주고:

     ㅈ → ㅏ → ㄹ → ㅎ → ㅐ → ㅈ​ → ㅜ  →ㄱ → ㅗ → space key

📌 잘 견뎌줘서:

     ㅈ → → ㄹ → space key → ㄱ → ㅕ → ㄴ → ㄷ → ㅕ → ㅈ → ㅜ → ㅓ → ㅅ → ㅓ → space key

📌 진짜:

    ㅈ → → ㄴ → shift → ㅈ → ㅏ → space key

📌 기특해:

    ㄱ → ㅣ → ㅌ → ㅡ → ㄱ → ㅎ​ → ㅐ


Try Saying This to Your Bias

🔊💋 Listen and Speak 🔊💋

1️⃣ I’m truly proud of you for doing so well and enduring everything.

잘해주고 잘 견뎌줘서 정말 대견해

[jal-hae-ju-go jal gyeon-dyeo-jwo-seo jeol-mal dae-gyeon-hae]

정말[jeol-mal]: Really

대견해[dae-gyeon-hae]: To be proud of


📌 정말:

     ㅈ → ㅓ → ㅇ → ㅁ →ㅏ → ㄹ → space key

📌 대견해:

ㄷ → ㅐ → ㄱ → ㅕ → ㄴ → ㅎ → ㅐ


2️⃣ Thank you so much for doing so well and enduring everything.

잘해주고 잘 견뎌줘서 정말 고마워

[jal-hae-ju-go jal gyeon-dyeo-jwo-seo jeol-mal go-ma-wo]

✅ 고마워[go-ma-wo]: Thank you

📌 고마워:

      ㄱ → ㅗ → ㅁ → ㅏ → ㅇ → ㅜ → ㅓ




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