Edutainer: Eun-ji
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🎉 A Message of Support and Encouragement 🎉
I 언제나 응원하고 있어
[eon-je-na eung-won-ha-go i-sse]
I’m always cheering for you 😍💝
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⚡ Frequency of use by K-pop fans
Our wonderful bias, who gives us strength and always cheers us on in our daily lives. 💕
We truly hope our support reaches them and gives them strength in return. Let’s send a heartfelt message of support!
✅ 언제나[eon-je-na]: Always
✅ 응원하다[eung-won-ha-da]: Cheer
📌 언제나:
ㅇ → ㅓ → ㄴ → ㅈ → ㅔ →ㄴ → ㅏ → space key
📌 응원하고:
ㅇ → ㅡ → ㅇ → ㅇ → ㅜ → ㅓ → ㄴ → ㅎ → ㅏ → ㄱ → ㅗ → space key
📌 있어:
ㅇ → ㅣ → shift → ㅅ → ㅇ → ㅓ
Try Saying This to Your Bias
🔊💋 Listen and Speak🔊💋
1️⃣ I’m always on your side 🙌
언제나 네 편이야
[eon-je-na ne pyeo-ni-ya]
✅ 네[ne]: A shortened form of 너의[neo-ui] meaning 'your'
✅ 편[pyeon]: Side
📌 네:
ㄴ → ㅔ
📌 편이야:
ㅍ → ㅕ → ㄴ → ㅇ →ㅣ → ㅇ → ㅑ
2️⃣ I will always love you🧡
언제나 사랑해
[eon-je-na sa-rang-hae]
📌 사랑해:
ㅅ → ㅏ → ㄹ → ㅏ →ㅇ → ㅎ → ㅐ