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💥 Let’s tell your bias,
“You make me feel warm because of you!” 🧡
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⚡ Frequency of use by K-pop fans
⚡ Frequency of use in general
I 마음이 따뜻해졌어
[ma-eu-mi tta-tteu-tae-jyeo-sseo]
My heart has become warm ❤🔥
My heart feels warm ❤🔥
📌 마음이:
ㅁ → ㅏ → ㅇ → ㅡ → ㅁ → ㅇ → ㅣ
📌 따뜻해졌어:
shift → ㄷ → ㅏ → shift → ㄷ → ㅡ → ㅅ → ㅎ → ㅐ → ㅈ → ㅕ → shift → ㅅ → ㅇ → ㅓ
✅ 마음[ma-eum]: Heart
✅ 따뜻하다[tta-tteu-ta-da]: Warm
✅ 따뜻해졌다[tta-tteu-tae-jyeot-dda]: Became warm
Try Saying This to Your Bias
🔊💋 Listen and Speak 🔊💋
1️⃣ Today has become warm.
오늘 하루가 따뜻해졌어
[o-neul ha-ru-ga tta-tteu-te-jyeo-sseo]
✅ 오늘 하루[o-neul ha-ru]: For today, Today
✅ 오늘[o-neul]: Today
✅ 하루[ha-ru]: Day, One day
📌 오늘 하루:
ㅇ → ㅗ → ㄴ → ㅡ → ㄹ → space key → ㅎ → ㅏ→ ㄹ → ㅜ
2️⃣ This winter has become warm.
이번 겨울이 따뜻해졌어
[i-beon gyeo-u-ri tta-tteu-te-jyeo-sseo]
✅ 이번 겨울[i-beon gyeo-ul]: This winter
✅ 이번[i-beon]: This
✅ 겨울[gyeo-ul]: Winter
📌 이번 겨울:
ㅇ → ㅣ → ㅂ → ㅓ → ㄴ → space key → ㄱ → ㅕ → ㅇ → ㅜ → ㄹ
3️⃣ The whole world has become warm.
온 세상이 따뜻해졌어.
[on-se-sang-i tta-tteu-te-jyeo-sseo]
✅ 온 세상[on se-sang]: The whole world, The entire world
✅ 온[on]: Whole, Entire
✅ 세상[se-sang]: World
📌 온 세상:
ㅇ → ㅗ → ㄴ → space key → ㅅ → ㅔ → ㅅ → ㅏ → ㅇ
Only for Fans Who Want to Learn
Korean More Deeply

The Korean subject particle 이/가 changes depending on the final letter of the subject's last syllable:
Use 이[i] after consonants.
Example: 캐럿이 = CARAT이 (→SEVENTEEN fandom name)
"캐럿이 따뜻해졌어"
Use 가[ga] after vowels.
Example: 아미가 = ARMY가 (→ BTS fandom name)
"아미가 따뜻해졌어"
Example: 트웨니가 = TWENY가 (→ FIFTY FIFTY fandom name)
Example: 스테이가 = STAY가 (→ Stray Kids fandom name)
Example: 브리즈가 = BRIIZE가 (→ RIIZE fandom name)
Example: 원스가 = ONCE가 (→ TWICE fandom name)
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