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I 최애
⚡ Frequency of use by K-pop fans ⚡
🙆♀️🙆♂️ ★★★★★

Bias, First favorite thing(s)
[choe-ae] is short for 최고로 애정하는 멤버[choe-go-ro ae-jeong-ha-neun mem-beo],
✅ 최고[choe-go]: The most, The best
✅ 애정하다[ae-jeong-ha-da]: Love
✅ 멤버[mem-beo]: Member
[choe-ae] is what you call the person or thing you like the most in a group, team, or anything you're really into.
It comes from the hanja: 최 (最) meaning 🧡 the best 🧡 and 애 (愛) meaning 💜 to love 💜, which together form 최애.
I 차애

Bias Wrecker, Second favorite thing(s)
✅ 다음[da-eum]: Next, Second
[cha-ae] is used for the person or thing you like second most after your 최애.
It comes from the hanja 차 (次) meaning 'next' and 애 (愛) meaning 'to love', which together form 차애.
💬 Real Korean Expressions in Conversation

👦: Who's your BTS [choe-ae]?
BTS 최애가 누구야?
→ Who's your BTS bias?
👩🦰: My [choe-ae] is Jimin.
→ My bias is Jimin.
👦 : Then who's your [cha-ae]?
그럼 차애는 누구야?
→ Then who's your bias wrecker?
👩🦰 : All the other members are my [cha-ae]💜
다른 멤버 모두 나의 차애야💜
→ All the other members are my bias wreckers💜
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