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Privacy Policy

- KOTACT(hereinafter referred to as "the company") operates the KONOGRAM website ( which provides the KONOGRAM service. 

- This page is used to provide visitors with information about the policy regarding the collection, use, and disclosure of personal information when using the KONOGRAM website. 

- By deciding to use the KONOGRAM service, you agree to the collection and use of information as described in this policy. The collected personal information will be used for the provision and improvement of the service. 

- We will not use or share the collected information for purposes other than those described in this privacy policy or with third parties. 

- KONOGRAM does not judge whether the information provided (Age Groups ,Your Korean Language Level, Nationality, First Language, Email) is true or false, and provides the KONOGRAM service based on the information provided. 

- It is hereby notified that the individual is responsible for any consequences resulting from the provision of false information when receiving the service results. 


1. General Provisions 


1) Personal information refers to information about a living individual that can identify the person, including but not limited to name, email address, etc. (including information that can identify a specific individual by easily combining it with other information, even if it cannot identify the individual by itself). 

2) KONOGRAM takes measures to make the privacy policy easily accessible to members by disclosing it on the [Sign-up - Create your profile] page of the website ( 

3) KONOGRAM has established procedures for revising the privacy policy to continuously improve it, and when revising the privacy policy, it posts the revised content on the website's notice board[Latest KONOGRAM News] to make it easily recognizable to members. 


2. Items and Collection Methods of Personal Information  

KONOGRAM collects the minimum necessary personal information below to provide the service.  

Required Information: Information necessary to perform the essential functions of the service. 

1) Items of personal information collected  

① Required input items when you sign up 

- Age Groups, Your Korean Language Level, KONOfam Name, Nationality, First language, Email, Password  

② Information automatically generated and collected during the use process or business processing process 

- service usage records, browser information, device information, operating system, mobile network information including carrier name, abnormal termination reports, system activity, access logs, access IP information, access date and time, and usage suspension records, request date and time, referrer URL, and other interactions between the member’s browser/device and the KONOGRAM service are collected 


2) Collection methods Information is collected  

- through website input and the use of cookies 


3. Consent to Collection of Personal Information  

If you sign up for the KONOGRAM website, it will be deemed as your consent to the collection of personal information. In the case of collecting personal information from children under 14 years of age, we obtain the consent of their legal guardian.  

Users under 14 should read the terms of use with a parent or legal guardian before using this website. After obtaining consent from a parent or legal guardian, please proceed with the sign-up process. Please send proof of parental consent, including the parent's signature and approval, to Once KONOGRAM verifies the authenticity of the provided documentation, and approval is granted by KONOGRAM, you may proceed to use the service. Please note that if you register with false information or provide false documentation to KONOGRAM during the sign-up process, KONOGRAM cannot be held responsible for any issues that may arise. Furthermore, please be aware that if such facts are discovered at any time, your access to the service may be restricted, and you may be subject to legal consequences. 


4. Collection and Purpose of Use of Personal Information 

The specific purposes for which KONOGRAM collects personal information items are as follows, and the KONOGRAM does not collect sensitive personal information (such as race and ethnicity, ideology and belief, political inclination and criminal record, health status, and sexual activity) that may infringe upon the basic rights of members. 

1) Personal information required for providing services  

① Required input information 

Age groups, Your Korean Language Level, KONOfam Name, Nationality, First language, Email, Password  

- Age groups, Your Korean Language Level , KONOfam Name, Nationality, First   language, Email, Password : Used for self-identification procedures necessary for using KONOGRAM services 

- Email: Used for self-identification procedures necessary for using the service. Also used for securing a smooth communication channel for notification, confirmation of the member's intentions, complaints handling, as well as for introducing new services and events related to the company and KONOGRAM, verifying the suitability of participants in events or prize giveaways, and securing shipping information 

- User under 14 years of age : Necessary to restrict service usage for those under 14 years of age without the consent of their legal guardian 

In addition, the above information is used to recommend suitable KONOGRAM services and content and to provide customized services to members. 


2) Automatically generated and collected information  

- For the purposes of managing the quality of KONOGRAM services, verifying and preventing improper usage (such as identity theft and hacking of member information), and including statistics and analysis of service usage records, KONOGRAM may collect the following automatically generated information related to service usage records 

- service usage records, browser information, device information, operating system, mobile network information including carrier name, abnormal termination reports, system activity, access logs, access IP information, access date and time, and usage suspension records, request date and time, referrer URL, and other interactions between the member’s browser/device and the KONOGRAM service are collected 


5. Installation/Operation and Refusal of Personal Information Automatic Collection Devices 

KONOGRAM operates cookies that a small piece of text that a website sends to a user's browser, which remembers information about the user's visits to the website. With cookies, websites can recall details of the user's previous visits, enabling a more convenient and beneficial experience during subsequent visits. Other technologies, such as unique identifiers utilized for recognizing browsers, apps, devices, pixels, and local storage, can also serve this purpose. Cookies and similar technologies, as described on this page, can be employed for the purposes outlined below. 

1) Purpose of using cookies 

Cookies are used to provide personalized and customized services by storing and retrieving users' information. When a user visits the website, the website server reads the cookie stored on the user's device to maintain the user's preferences and provide customized services. Cookies help users access and use the website in the settings they have chosen. They are also used to provide optimized advertisements and other personalized information based on the user's website visit history and usage patterns. 


2) Installation/Operation and Refusal of Cookies 

Users have the option to allow or refuse cookie installation, and can do so by changing their cookie settings in the "Settings > Privacy > Cookies and other site data" path on their web browser. However, if users refuse cookie installation, it may cause inconvenience in using the website, and some necessary services, including login and KONOGRAM usage, may become difficult to use. 


6. Unauthorized Use, Provision to Third Parties, and Sharing 


1) The company and KONOGRAM must use the member's personal information within the scope notified under "Purpose of Collection and Use of Personal Information," and must not exceed the scope or provide it to others or other companies or institutions. 


2) If KONOGRAM uses the personal information beyond the scope of 1), the KONOGRAM shall notify the member of such use through the online homepage ( and provide a method for members to express their disagreement with this use through the "KONOGRAM Service Feedback" menu. Additionally, KONOGRAM must individually notify members at least 5 times via Email or other means. If KONOGRAM transfers or inherits the right to provide online services, it must proceed with personal information transfer only through an active consent method (consent for providing and sharing personal information with third partiessc). 


3) The following are exceptions :  

① When a government agency requests information for investigation purposes in accordance with relevant laws  

② When providing advertisers, partner companies, or research organizations with information that cannot identify specific individuals for statistical analysis, academic research, or market research purposes 

③ When there is a request following procedures set forth by relevant laws  

④ Even in exceptional cases, if information is provided under relevant laws or at the request of investigative agencies, the KONOGRAM follows the principle of notifying the relevant party. However, in some cases, it may be impossible to notify the relevant party due to legal reasons. 


7. Destruction and Separate Storage of Personal Information  

KONOGRAM generally destroys user's personal information without delay upon withdrawal of membership or achievement of the purpose of use. 

However, if the user has separately consented to the retention period of personal information, or if there is an obligation to retain information for a certain period under the law, the personal information will be securely retained for that period. 

The procedure and method of destroying personal information collected through KONOGRAM are as follows. 


1) Procedure of Destruction  

① Information entered by members for service use is transferred to a separate DB (or a separate document box in the case of paper) after the purpose is achieved, and is stored for a certain period of time according to internal policies and other relevant laws and regulations on information protection reasons before being destroyed.  

② Personal information transferred to a separate DB will not be used for purposes other than those held without legal reasons. 


2) Method of Destruction 

① KONOGRAM disposes of personal information for which the purpose of collection and use has been achieved, such as withdrawal of membership, termination of service, or expiration of the agreed-upon retention period for personal information, in a manner that renders it irrecoverable. 

② For information subject to retention obligations imposed by laws, KONOGRAM also disposse of it in a manner that renders it irrecoverable without delay after the expiration of the relevant period. 

③ For electronic files, KONOGRAM securely deletes them using technical methods that prevent recovery and reproduction, while physical output materials are disposed of through methods such as shredding or incineration. 

① Personal information stored in electronic files is deleted using technical methods that cannot reproduce the records. 

② Personal information printed on paper is destroyed by shredding or incineration.  

③ Information is destroyed after being stored for a maximum of 5 years from the date of input, or upon request for destruction. 


8. Technical and Administrative Measures for Personal Information Protection 


1) Technical Measures for Personal Information Protection  

① KONOGRAM is doing its best to secure the safety of personal information handled in the course of performing its duties, and is taking technical measures to ensure safety so that personal information is not lost, stolen, leaked, falsified or damaged.  

② KONOGRAM has a system that can back up the system and data in case of emergency. 


2) Administrative Measures for Personal Information Protection 

To ensure the safety of personal information handled in the course of its operations, KONOGRAM has implemented the following administrative measures to prevent the loss, theft, leakage, alteration or damage of personal information. 

① KONOGRAM restricts access to 'members' personal information to the minimum necessary personnel. The minimum necessary personnel include. 

- Those who plans or provides services and contents through KONOGRAM  

- Those who perform marketing tasks directly targeting members 

 - Those who perform personal information management tasks, such as the personal information management officer and managers  

- Other personnel who need to handle personal information in the course of their work 

② KONOGRAM provides regular in-house training and external outsourced education on new security technologies, obligations related to personal information protection, and other related matters for employees who handle personal information. 

③ KONOGRAM has established internal procedures for monitoring compliance with the personal information handling policy and employees' compliance through the security pledge of all new employees to prevent information leakage caused by human error and to ensure the confidentiality of personal information.  

④ The transfer of duties for personnel handling personal information is conducted strictly with the maintenance of security, and the KONOGRAM clearly defines responsibility for personal information incidents after employment or resignation. 

⑤ KONOGRAM is not responsible for incidents caused by members' mistakes or basic internet risks. Each member is responsible for managing their ID and password appropriately to protect their personal information.  

⑥ In the event of the loss, leakage, alteration or damage of personal information caused by the mistakes of internal administrators or technical management, KONOGRAM will promptly inform members of the facts and take appropriate measures and compensation. 


9. Link Sites  


KONOGRAM may provide links to other companies' websites or materials for members, but since the KONOGRAM has no control over external sites and materials, it does not assume responsibility or guarantee the usefulness of the services or materials provided by them. 

When a member clicks on a link provided by the KONOGRAM and moves to a page on another site, the privacy policy of the newly visited site is unrelated to the KONOGRAM, so the member must check the policy of the newly visited site. 


10. Member's Obligations 


1) Members must enter their personal information accurately and keep it up to date, and they are responsible for any accidents that occur due to inaccurate information entry, and if they enter false information, such as using someone else's information, their ID may be restricted. 


2) Members must comply with the obligation to protect their own information and not infringe on the information of others, along with the right to protect their personal information. Members should take measures to prevent their personal information from being leaked and not damage the personal information of others, including their posts. If the above responsibilities are not fulfilled or if the integrity of others' information is damaged, the member may be punished under the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc." 

11. Collection of Opinions and Complaints Handling 


1) KONOGRAM values members' opinions and members have the right to receive sincere responses at all times when questions arise. 


2) KONOGRAM operates a customer center(KOstomer Team) for smooth communication with members. 


3) KONOGRAM strives to enable members to use the site safely, and in the event of an accident that violates the privacy policy, the personal information management officer is responsible for all responsibilities, but KONOGRAM is not responsible for any information damage caused by unexpected accidents due to the characteristics of hacking networks or disputes caused by posts written by visitors. 


The person in charge of handling members' personal information is as follows,

and we will promptly and sincerely respond to inquiries related to personal information. 


<Personal Information Management Staff>  

Name: Eunji Jang  


Phone number: +82-70-4895-0454 

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